Notimplementederror: cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data!

The error message “NotImplementedError: Cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data!” commonly occurs when we are working with PyTorch models that are initialized on the meta device but are being transferred to a different device (like CPU or GPU) without the necessary data being loaded.

This error comes in various contexts and particularly when using large models or when we have insufficient GPU memory.

Common Causes notimplementederror: cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data

Model Initialization on Meta Device:

Model is initially placed on a “meta” device and it doesn’t use memory until it’s needed which causes an error. We can use torch.nn.Module.to_empty() instead of when moving the model to a different device like CPU or GPU which prevents unnecessary memory allocation.

Insufficient GPU Memory

When we are training or loading the model GPU runs out of memory. Pytorch might try to move some weights to the CPU or disk, which can cause a problem. To avoid this kind of error we should make sure our GPU has enough memory for the model we are trying to use.

we can

  • Reduce the batch size
  • Use smaller model

These steps help us to reduce memory usage and avoid running into the error

Upgrade Dependencies

Sometimes the error can be solved by updating libraries like torch, transformers, accelerate etc to the latest versions.

Model Loading Parameters

While loading models we should consider parameters like low_cpu_mem_usage or init_empty_weights from the accelerated library instead of directly initializing with torch.device(“meta”). This approach helps us manage memory more effectively.

Check Model Compatibility

We need to check if the model that we are trying to load is compatible with the current setup that we have. Some models have specific requirements regarding how they should be loaded and used. While dealing with quantization or specific architectures we may have to make changes in setup.

These are the common causes of Notimplementederror: cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data!

Solution for notimplementederror: cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data

Check for Meta tensors

Meta tensors are just placeholders that represent the shape, dtype and other properties of a tensor without holding any actual data. We should not try to perform operations that require data for example like copying or accessing values on a tensor in meta mode or else we will get Notimplementederror: cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data!

Before performing any operations we should make sure the tensor is fully initialized

Solution : In Pytorch we can use tensor.is_meta() to check if a tensor is a meta tensor and switch to a proper tensor with data if needed. Let’s see a code example for it.

import torch

# Example for checking meta tensor
tensor = torch.empty((2, 2), dtype=torch.float32).to('meta')

if tensor.is_meta:
    # Allocate proper tensor with data before proceeding
    tensor = torch.empty((2, 2), dtype=torch.float32)


Meta Tensors in Model Parallelism or Distributed Settings

When we are using distributed setting or model parallelism in Pytorch by using torch.distributed method sometimes meta tensors are used temporarily as placeholders before data is sent to different devices. Using these meta tensors for operation causes error.

Solution: We have to make sure that the tensor is correctly moved to the target device i.e. either to CPU or GPU and initialized before accessing it.

Meta Tensor in Debugging or Profiling

Sometimes when we are debugging or profiling, we may encounter meta tensors because certain operations are being analyzed symbolically without actual computation.

Solution: we should try running the operation outside of profiling or debugging contexts to see if the issue persists.

Tensor Initialization

When we are trying to copy or operate on tensor that is uninitialized with any values, we encounter

If you’re trying to copy or operate on a tensor that hasn’t been initialized with any values, you’ll encounter this error.

Solution: Check if the tensor has been initialized with proper data. If you want a tensor filled with specific values, you can initialize it using methods like torch.zeros(), torch.ones(), or torch.randn().
tensor = torch.randn(3, 3)  


The error generally deals with how a model is being loaded and managed in memory. By following the above shown common causes and solution for Notimplementederror: cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data! Error: we should be able to resolve the issue.

Even after these problems still persist then you can check GitHub issues related to the specific libraries.

Key checkouts that we need to look at to resolve Notimplementederror: cannot copy out of meta tensor; no data! Error

  • Check that you are not operating on a meta tensor.
  • Check for proper loading of data in distributed settings or model parallelism.
  • Check if tensor is properly initialized

You can also read our other blogs on how to drop rows with NaN values in Pandas and how can we solve local variable referenced before assignment error.