Python MCQs

Jenkins MCQs

Jenkins MCQs

We have made 50 Jenkins MCQs covering various topics like setup, usage, plugins, configuration, and integration. 1. What is Jenkins? a) A code analysis tool b) A CI/CD tool for automating software builds, testing, and deployment c) A version control system d) A container orchestration tool Answer: b) A CI/CD tool for automating software builds, […]

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Docker MCQs

Docker MCQs

Let’s go through 50 Docker MCQs covering a wide range of topics from basic concepts to advanced features of Docker. 1. What is Docker? a) A cloud-based storage service b) A containerization platform for deploying applications c) A virtualization platform for running VMs d) A configuration management tool Answer: b) A containerization platform for deploying

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Python basic MCQs

Basic Python MCQs covering functions, exception handling, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.

The following blog contains 60 MCQs on Python basic. It includes topics like functions, try and exception, list, tuple and dictionary. This MCQ tests your understanding of the basics in Python. Python Functions MCQ A Python function is a block of reusable code that is used to perform a specific task. These Python functions help

Basic Python MCQs covering functions, exception handling, lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Read More »