Efficient Text Processing: Python TF IDF Code Explained

python tf idf

TF IDF full form is term frequency-inverse document frequency. It is a statistical measure used to find the importance of a word in a document relative to a collection.

In Tf-idf we have two components i.e. Term frequency and Inverse document frequency.

Term frequency (TF) measures how frequency a word appears in the document. More the frequency of the word in the document, more important a word for that specific document. The formula of term frequency is

tf formula

Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) measures how important a word is across the entire corpus.

The words which appear in many documents are less informative than terms that appear in fewer documents. The formula of inverse document frequency is

IDF formula

The TF-IDF score is calculated as product of TF and IDF.

tf-idf formula

Why we use TF-IDF ?

TF-IDF transforms text into numerical representation which makes it suitable for machine learning model like text classification and clustering.

It also helps us measure the importance of words in a document relative to entire corpus. It provides importance by giving words weight. Greater the weight more important the word. TF-IDF difference from word embedding like Word2vec or GloVe as it provides important terms compared to semantic relation gives in Word2vec or GloVe.

In this blog, we will go through various Python TF IDF Code. We will see how TF IDF is implemented in Python using Sklearn with example. The use of TF IDF  in k means and classification algorithm would also be explored.

TF-IDF Example Using sklearn in Python

The code shows how to compute TF idf score using sklearn library in Python. We will get TF IDF scores of words in a set of documents.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

A list of sample documents on which we will be performing TF IDF.

documents = [
    "the cat and the hat are friends",
    "the fox jumps over the lazy dog"

Creating a TF-IDF Vectorizer

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()

Fit and transform the documents

tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(documents)

Getting the words corresponding to features

feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()

Converting the matrix to an array and printing it

tfidf_array = tfidf_matrix.toarray()
for i in range(len(documents)):
    print(f"Document {i + 1} TF-IDF:")
    for j in range(len(feature_names)):
        print(f"{feature_names[j]}: {tfidf_array[i][j]}")


Document 1 TF-IDF:
and: 0.3772919866524395
are: 0.3772919866524395
cat: 0.3772919866524395
dog: 0.0
fox: 0.0
friends: 0.3772919866524395
hat: 0.3772919866524395
jumps: 0.0
lazy: 0.0
over: 0.0
the: 0.5368927118515179

Document 2 TF-IDF:
and: 0.0
are: 0.0
cat: 0.0
dog: 0.3772919866524395
fox: 0.3772919866524395
friends: 0.0
hat: 0.0
jumps: 0.3772919866524395
lazy: 0.3772919866524395
over: 0.3772919866524395
the: 0.5368927118515179

Learn how to implement one hot encoding in Python.

Extracting TF IDF top words using Python

We will find the TF IDF most important words based on TF-IDF scores
import numpy as np
The function get_top_n_words() get top N words. The function requires input tf idf matrix, list of unique words in corpus i.e. feature_names and number of top keywords you want i.e. n.
def get_top_n_words(tfidf_matrix, feature_names, n=5):
    # Get the index of the highest scores
    sorted_indices = np.argsort(tfidf_matrix.toarray(), axis=1)[:, -n:]
    top_words = {}
    for doc_index in range(tfidf_matrix.shape[0]):
        top_words[doc_index] = [(feature_names[i], tfidf_matrix[doc_index, i]) for i in sorted_indices[doc_index]]
    return top_words
Looping over top words.
top_n_words = get_top_n_words(tfidf_matrix, feature_names, n=2)
for doc_index, words in top_n_words.items():
    print(f"Top words in Document {doc_index + 1}: {words}")
Top words in Document 1: [('hat', 0.3772919866524395), ('the', 0.5368927118515179)]
Top words in Document 2: [('over', 0.3772919866524395), ('the', 0.5368927118515179)]

K-means Clustering with TF-IDF in Python

The below implements TF IDF in Kmeans algorithm using Python.We will try to find 2 cluster in the Newsgropus dataset just as a experiment. 

The Newsgroups dataset consists of approximately 20,000 documents organized into 20 different categories. It covering a wide range of topics like technology, sports, and politics.
Importing libraries

import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

Loading the dataset.

newsgroups = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', categories=['rec.sport.baseball', 'sci.space'], remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))

Performing Vectorization

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(newsgroups.data)

Implementing Kmeans Clustering with 2 clusters

num_clusters = 2
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters, random_state=42)

Printing Cluster labels

print("Cluster labels for first 5  document:")
for i, label in enumerate(kmeans.labels_):
    print(f"Document {i + 1}: Cluster {label}")
    if i==5:


Cluster labels for each document:
Document 1: Cluster 1
Document 2: Cluster 1
Document 3: Cluster 1
Document 4: Cluster 1
Document 5: Cluster 1
Document 6: Cluster 1

Document Classification using TF-IDF

We can use TF-IDF features to classify documents. To perform document classification using TF-IDF on a built-in dataset, we will use the 20 Newsgroups dataset available in scikit-learn. The MultinomialNB model will classify documents between 20 categories in the dataset.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score
Loading the 20 Newsgroups dataset
newsgroups = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
Creating the TF-IDF vectorizer
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
Fitting and transforming the documents into a TF-IDF matrix
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(newsgroups.data)
y = newsgroups.target
Splitting the dataset into train and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
Initializing the classifier model (Multinomial Naive Bayes)
classifier = MultinomialNB()
Fit the classifier on the training data
classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
Making predictions on the test data
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
Evaluating the model
print("Accuracy:", accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
print("\nClassification Report:\n", classification_report(y_test, y_pred, target_names=newsgroups.target_names))
Accuracy: 0.7196286472148541

Classification Report:
                           precision    recall  f1-score   support

             alt.atheism       0.75      0.27      0.40       151
           comp.graphics       0.70      0.68      0.69       202
 comp.os.ms-windows.misc       0.67      0.66      0.66       195
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware       0.55      0.78      0.64       183
   comp.sys.mac.hardware       0.87      0.67      0.75       205
          comp.windows.x       0.90      0.81      0.85       215
            misc.forsale       0.79      0.70      0.74       193
               rec.autos       0.84      0.76      0.79       196
         rec.motorcycles       0.49      0.77      0.60       168
      rec.sport.baseball       0.92      0.83      0.88       211
        rec.sport.hockey       0.88      0.92      0.90       198
               sci.crypt       0.70      0.85      0.77       201
         sci.electronics       0.85      0.62      0.72       202
                 sci.med       0.91      0.86      0.88       194
               sci.space       0.80      0.83      0.81       189
  soc.religion.christian       0.42      0.94      0.58       202
      talk.politics.guns       0.70      0.79      0.74       188
   talk.politics.mideast       0.78      0.83      0.80       182
      talk.politics.misc       0.92      0.43      0.58       159
      talk.religion.misc       0.80      0.03      0.06       136

                accuracy                           0.72      3770
               macro avg       0.76      0.70      0.69      3770
            weighted avg       0.76      0.72      0.71      3770

Implementing tf-idf from scratch in Python

We will see a step by step implementation of TF IDF from scratch in Python.

Step 1: Install Required Libraries

pip install nltk numpy

Step 2: Import Libraries and Prepare Data

import nltk
import numpy as np
import math
from collections import Counter

Some sample records used as out corpus 
documents = [
    "the cat in the hat",
    "the quick brown fox",
    "the cat and the hat are friends",
    "the fox jumps over the lazy dog"

Tokenizing the documents using nltk

tokenized_docs = [nltk.word_tokenize(doc.lower()) for doc in documents]

Step 3: Computing Term Frequency (TF) based on formula

from collections import Counter

def compute_tf(tokenized_docs):
    Compute Term Frequency (TF) for each document in a list of tokenized documents.
    tokenized_docs (list of list of str): A list where each element is a list of tokens (words) for a document.
    list of dict: A list of dictionaries, each containing the term frequencies for a corresponding document.
    tf_list = []  # Initialize a list to hold the TF scores for each document
    # Iterate through each document's tokens
    for tokens in tokenized_docs:
        # Count the frequency of each token in the document
        count = Counter(tokens)
        # Calculate the term frequency for each word
        tf = {word: freq / len(tokens) for word, freq in count.items()}
        # Append the TF dictionary to the list
    return tf_list  # Return the list of TF scores for all documents

# Example usage of the compute_tf function
tf_scores = compute_tf(tokenized_docs)  # Compute the TF scores for the tokenized documents

# Print the TF scores for each document
print("TF Scores:")
for i, tf in enumerate(tf_scores):
    print(f"Document {i + 1}: {tf}")  # Display the TF scores for each document


TF Scores:
Document 1: {'the': 0.4, 'cat': 0.2, 'in': 0.2, 'hat': 0.2}
Document 2: {'the': 0.25, 'quick': 0.25, 'brown': 0.25, 'fox': 0.25}
Document 3: {'the': 0.2857142857142857, 'cat': 0.14285714285714285, 'and': 0.14285714285714285, 'hat': 0.14285714285714285, 'are': 0.14285714285714285, 'friends': 0.14285714285714285}
Document 4: {'the': 0.2857142857142857, 'fox': 0.14285714285714285, 'jumps': 0.14285714285714285, 'over': 0.14285714285714285, 'lazy': 0.14285714285714285, 'dog': 0.14285714285714285}

Step 4: Computing Inverse Document Frequency based on formula

import math

def compute_idf(tokenized_docs):
    The function computes Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) for each unique word in a list of tokenized documents.
    Input parameters of function:
    tokenized_docs (list of list of str): A list where each element is a list of tokens (words) for a document.
    dict: A dictionary where keys are words and values are their corresponding IDF scores.
    n = len(tokenized_docs)  # Total number of documents
    idf = {}  # Initialize a dictionary to hold IDF scores
    # Create a set of all unique words across all documents
    all_words = set(word for tokens in tokenized_docs for word in tokens)
    # Calculate IDF for each unique word
    for word in all_words:
        # Count how many documents contain the word (document frequency)
        df = sum(1 for tokens in tokenized_docs if word in tokens)
        # Compute the IDF score using the formula: log(n / (1 + df))
        idf[word] = math.log(n / (1 + df))  # Add 1 to avoid division by zero

    return idf  # Return the dictionary of IDF scores

# Example usage of the compute_idf function
idf_scores = compute_idf(tokenized_docs)  # Compute the IDF scores for the tokenized documents

# Print the IDF scores for each word
print("\nIDF Scores:")
print(idf_scores)  # Display the IDF scores


IDF Scores:
{'in': 0.6931471805599453, 'jumps': 0.6931471805599453, 'brown': 0.6931471805599453, 'over': 0.6931471805599453, 'are': 0.6931471805599453, 'cat': 0.28768207245178085,
 'lazy': 0.6931471805599453, 'the': -0.2231435513142097, 'fox': 0.28768207245178085, 'quick': 0.6931471805599453, 'friends': 0.6931471805599453, 'and': 0.6931471805599453, 'hat': 0.28768207245178085, 'dog': 0.6931471805599453}

Step 5: Compute TF-IDF

We can combine the TF and IDF scores to compute TF-IDF:

def compute_tf_idf(tf_scores, idf_scores):
    The function Computes TF-IDF scores for each document using the term frequency (TF) scores
    and the inverse document frequency (IDF) scores.

    Input Parameters of the function:
    tf_scores (list of dict): A list where each dictionary contains the TF scores for a document.
    idf_scores (dict): A dictionary where keys are words and values are their corresponding IDF scores.

    list of dict: A list of dictionaries, each containing the TF-IDF scores for a corresponding document.
    tf_idf_list = []  # Initialize a list to hold the TF-IDF scores for each document
    # Iterate through each document's TF scores
    for tf in tf_scores:
        # Compute TF-IDF for each word in the document
        tf_idf = {word: tf_val * idf_scores[word] for word, tf_val in tf.items()}
        # Append the TF-IDF dictionary to the list
    return tf_idf_list  # Return the list of TF-IDF scores for all documents

# Example usage of the compute_tf_idf function
tf_idf_scores = compute_tf_idf(tf_scores, idf_scores)  # Compute the TF-IDF scores using the TF and IDF scores

# Print the TF-IDF scores for each document
print("\nTF-IDF Scores:")
for i, tfidf in enumerate(tf_idf_scores):
    print(f"Document {i + 1}: {tfidf}")  # Display the TF-IDF scores for each document


TF-IDF Scores:
Document 1: {'the': -0.08925742052568389, 'cat': 0.05753641449035617, 'in': 0.13862943611198905, 'hat': 0.05753641449035617}
Document 2: {'the': -0.05578588782855243, 'quick': 0.17328679513998632, 'brown': 0.17328679513998632, 'fox': 0.07192051811294521}
Document 3: {'the': -0.06375530037548849, 'cat': 0.04109743892168297, 'and': 0.09902102579427789, 'hat': 0.04109743892168297, 'are': 0.09902102579427789, 'friends': 0.09902102579427789}
Document 4: {'the': -0.06375530037548849, 'fox': 0.04109743892168297, 'jumps': 0.09902102579427789, 'over': 0.09902102579427789, 'lazy': 0.09902102579427789, 'dog': 0.09902102579427789}

Comparing TF-IDF with Word Embeddings like Word2Vec, GloVe etc

TF IDF is not word embedding technique it a statistical measure for finding important keywords in the document. Word2Vec and GloVe are Word embeddings techniques which capture semantic meanings.

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