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ToggleGet text between two strings
Using find() method for Getting text between two strings
The find() method helps us to locate the position of the start and end strings. Once we know the start and end position we extract the text between those positions.
We will see an example for extracting text between two strings i.e. “start” and “end”.
Python code
text = "Here is the start text and here is the end text." start = "start" end = "end" #The start and end variable can hold string, character or #delimiters. #Finding the positions of the start and end strings. start_index = text.find(start) end_index = text.find(end) #Now we will extract the text between #“start” and “end” using slice operator. if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1: extracted_text = text[start_index + len(start):end_index].strip() print(extracted_text)
text and here is the
Using Regular Expressions to get text between two strings
When we want to extract text which has a complex pattern, we can use regular expressions (regex). Python’s re module can be used to match patterns and extract text between two strings, characters and delimiters.
Let’s take an example: Here is the input string “Start of text [Extract this part] End of text.” . In this string we will code to get the “[Extract this part]” string as output.
Python Code
import re text = "Start of text [Extract this part] End of text." pattern = r"Start of text \[(.*?)\] End of text" match =, text) if match: extracted_text = print(extracted_text)
Extract this part
Explanation of the regular expression used above example
- Start of text \[ and \] End of text: These are the literal strings we want to match. The square brackets are escaped with backslashes because they have special meaning in regex.
- (.*?): This is the main part of the regex that captures everything between the delimiters. The .*? matches any character (.) zero or more times (*), but in a non-greedy manner (?), so it captures the shortest match.
The search() function in the re module of python searches for the given string and if found returns a match object.
If we have more than one match, it will only return the first occurrence of the match. If no match it returns None.
Using Python, get text between two strings in multi-line text
When we are dealing with a large amount of text sometimes we want to extract text between two strings in multi line text or paragraphs.
Now lets see an example, which splits the multi line text to a list of lines using splitlines() method and we search for the “start” keyword. Once found we continue extracting text until we find the “end” keyword.
Python Codetext = """Line 1: Here is the start Line 2: This is the text to extract Line 3: Here is the end of the text Line 4: Some more text.""" start = "start" end = "end" # Splitting the text into lines lines = text.splitlines() # Initialize flags and variables extracting = False extracted_text = "" # Looping through each line from splitlines() output for line in lines: if start in line: # Start extracting after the 'start' keyword extracting = True extracted_text += line.split(start, 1)[1].strip() # We Start from the text after 'start' continue # Skip to the next line if extracting: if end in line: # Stop extracting at the 'end' keyword extracted_text += " " + line.split(end, 1)[0].strip() # Stop before 'end' break else: # Continue appending text between 'start' and 'end' extracted_text += " " + line.strip() print('extracted_text:', extracted_text)Output
Line 2: This is the text to extract Line 3: Here is the
Using Python, get text between two delimiters
A delimiter is a word, symbol or character which separates data for example words, lines etc. Here we are using two delimiters i.e. “start_delim” and “end_delim” , they hold values “<start>” and “<end>”.
The regex pattern uses the re.escape method which basically converts special characters to characters exactly as they appear, instead of interpreting them as special symbols with specific meanings within regular expressions. “(.*?)” This pattern captures everything in between.
Python codeimport re def get_text_between_delimiters(text, start_delim, end_delim): # Regex pattern to match the text between the delimiters pattern = re.escape(start_delim) + "(.*?)" + re.escape(end_delim) # Find all matches matches = re.findall(pattern, text) return matches # Example usage text = "Here is the start delimiter <start> this is the content <end> and more text" start_delim ="<start>" #replace value of your start delimiter end_delim ="<end>" #replace value of end delimiter result = get_text_between_delimiters(text, start_delim, end_delim) print(result)Output
this is content
Using Python, get text between two characters
To get text between two characters we will use find() method in python. We will use the find() method twice, one for getting the first target character index and second one to get the last character index. Once we have an index to slice the string to get the necessary string.
For example I want text between these two characters : ‘[‘ , ‘]’ and text is “Hello [this is the content] world”.
Python Code
def get_text_between_chars(text, start_char, end_char): # Find the position of start and end characters start_index = text.find(start_char) end_index = text.find(end_char, start_index) # If both characters are found, return the substring between them if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1: return text[start_index + 1:end_index] return None # Return None if the characters are not found # Example usage text = "Hello [this is the content] world" start_char = "[" end_char = "]" result = get_text_between_chars(text, start_char, end_char) print(result)
this is the content
Using Python, find text between two words
Using find() method would get the index of the word we are targeting and then we will use slicing to get necessary text.
For example, I want to extract data between “start_word” and “end_word”.
Python Code
def get_text_between_words(text, start_word, end_word): # Find the starting position of the start_word start_index = text.find(start_word) # Find the starting position of the end_word after the start_word end_index = text.find(end_word, start_index) # If both words are found, return the text between them if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1: return text[start_index + len(start_word):end_index] return None # Return None if either word is not found # Example usage text = "Here is the start word: start_word this is the text we want end_word and more text" start_word = "start_word" end_word = "end_word" result = get_text_between_words(text, start_word, end_word) print(result)
this is content
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